An Idea on How to Use Condoms

Posted by Health and Beauty On Wednesday 15 May 2013 0 comments
When the chances of AIDS and any other sexually transmitted disease are more, the best thing that can help people to be relaxed is the use of condoms. The best tool is it that can prevent such diseases and also prevent unwanted pregnancy. There are male condoms and female condom these days. The female version was not much popular unless the FDA gave the permission to use it. The things are getting popularity these days when people are more aware of health and safety. Even governments are soliciting use of condoms for population control and healthy regime to be continued. That is why the use of this tool has been increased quite high and it can be expected that the popularity that it has got now can enhance quite strongly in future.

It has been seen that with the use of condoms, the pleasure of making love has increase as well. So, it can be expected that the use can be more and that is why the sale of condoms has increased too. Online shopping in India has given the sale a new way. The top condom makers are here with all their new products. The best of the companies are there. So people can easily get the things they need. When safety is the thing that people need, condoms can surely be the best option.
How to use condoms:
The most important thing that can be known about condoms is to use it the right way. That is important for making the use effective. There are steps that can be followed by first time users and that can make it easier. It is important to understand that one condom cannot be used more than once.

A. It is important to open the packet. Better not to use teeth and rough edges for that. Users must check if the condom has not passed its expiry date.

B. Condom is to be placed over hard penis. A space is to be there which can make the best use of collecting the semen there.

C. To make the condom use the right way. The condom is not to unrolled before using. The condom must be put on penis and roiled till the base of penis. For any air bubble there, it can cause problems with the product. So that is needed to be pulled out.

By these steps, now the condom is ready to be used. Condoms are really effective if the process is followed in the right manner.

Condoms for anal sex:
There are special condoms for anal sex as well. The important that is to choose the right condom. The companies are making the right ones for that and for anal sex non-oxynol-9 condoms shall never be used. Proper use of condoms can make the things better for the users.


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